What Schoolhouse Rock doesn't discuss.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

What do you think when you see a headline like that?

Today, while I was browsing the news on ThinkProgress, I read a couple articles about gun violence and Obamacare, but when I scrolled to the bottom of the page, I found a link to an article that appalled me. That article. Nothing about the large headline at the top of this article sends good signals through my brain. It's the sort of thing that makes a 21st century United States citizen do a double-take. This article details a move by some House Republicans to—in a sense—make it actually legal to discriminate against homosexuals.

Now, I don't know about everyone else, but last I heard, discrimination was considered a 'bad' thing. These House Republicans think it’s okay to suddenly pull the rug out beneath everyone’s feet and tell people that they’re not free from prejudice? The Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 (CSRA) defends employees from discrimination based on race, sex, religion, and sexual orientation, yet these Republicans think it’s okay to just take that away!

They wish to have their discrimination license because it “protects their religious beliefs.” But if the country is going to allow discrimination against gays because some zealots don’t believe in their way of life, then we might as well discriminate against Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, and every other person who doesn’t practice their religion. 

This sudden attack would be a particularly painful setback to gay rights progress (were it to pass) because DOMA was just struck down, and several states are finally recognizing same-sex marriage. It’s a little bit like telling everyone in an office that they’re going to get a raise, and then coming back and saying, “No, you know what? Only the people I like get the raise. And it’s coming out of everyone else’s paychecks.”

If this wish was granted by the federal government, it would not only be a major blow to homosexuals seeking equality, but it would also be a gaping bullet wound in the faith that many have in all civil rights progress. It would be a little like taking one step forward in the eyes of these Republicans and two steps back for everyone else. 

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